자유게시판/추천 인도네시아


[KOICA 입찰공고]인도네시아 취약계층청소년 사회복귀지원사업 기자재 입찰 공고

19,680 2024.05.27 11:12




<한국국제협력단-인도네시아 취약계층청소년 사회복귀 지원사업 기자재 입찰 안내> 


          A. Brief of Bidding

 Invitation No.


 Bid Title

Purchase of Equipment for the Project on Enhancing Social Rehabilitation Support for the Vulnerable Youth in Indonesia

 Scope of bidding

Provision and procurement of any equipment related to vocational training within two welfare centers, common facilities, administration, trainee living and related welfare facilities.

- Provision and delivery of the equipment: The winning bidder is responsible for all expenses (including insurance) related to the purchase, delivery to the designated location, and installation of equipment

- Provision of manuals in Indonesia language and training among the users

- Repair of defects for 2 year(A/S)

 Contract Period

Until 120 days from the date of signing the contract

 Project Budget

USD 1,343,519 (VAT excluded)

- Project Base Price

USD 1,309,931

․ Inspection


 Partial Delivery


 Condition of Delivery

On-site installation

․ Final Destination (Place of delivery)

Locations designated by KOICA

․ Defect Notification Period

2 years


          B. Bidding Schedule 


Time and Date


Bid Announcement

17th May, 2024(Fri.)

Daily newspapers, 

KOICA Official Homepage and SNS

Inquiry Period

17th May(Fri.)

~27th May, 2024(Mon.)


KOICA Official e-mail

Answer Period

28th May, 2024(Tue.)


Official Homepage

Deadline for Proposals

Until 3rd June, 2024(Mon.)

11:30am WIB


Indonesia Office

Bid Evaluation

4th June, 2024(Tue.)


Indonesia Office

Contract Award

6th June, 2024(Thu.)



Please accept the enclosed 'Bid Data Sheet' for your review, which provides comprehensive details regarding the project in question.


Should you require further information, kindly refer to the complete documentation accessible via the following link:



 The Bidders shall prepare for the application after reading and fully understanding the content

and conditions of this document. For more information about this bid, please contact the person

in charge stated below.



  - About bid procedures: To: indonesia@koica.go.kr, CC: jhy@koica.go.kr


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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