자유게시판/추천 인도네시아


Korea-Indonesia Netwoking Day 2024 - Education and Entrepreneurship Tr…

27,657 2024.08.02 13:30




Following the Bali Startup Camp in February 2024, the Korea Center Indonesia will host the Korea-Indonesia Netwoking Day 2024 - Education and Entrepreneurship Track. The event will be hosted by 12 university professors from the Korea Entrepreneurship Association, Gyemyeong University Global Entrepreneurship School, Kyungnam University, and Sangmyung University.

12 August 2024 : Triatma Mulya University
  • Design Thinking Startup Camp part 1
  • Design Thinking Startup Camp part 2/Startup Hackathon
  • Industry-academic cooperation in Korea (Prof. Park, Eunju)
  • The importance of Ilmeori education in university  (Prof. Kang, Jaegwan)
  • Case study of capstone design class linked to region, industry and university Capstone Design Course Case 1 (Prof. Kim, Hwakyung)
  • Indonesian University Class Case (UNTRIM)
  • Campstone Design Workshop using 'Ilmeori' Learning Facilitation / Q&A

13 August 2024 - Bali International University
  • Development of Core Competencies for 'Ilmeori'  (Prof. Kim, Hwakyung)
  • The importance of Ilmeori education in university (Prof. Kang, Jaegwan)
  • Indonesian Teaching and Learning Case (Universitas Bali Internasional)
  • Adventure Design Class Case (Prof. Park, Jinhan)
  • 'Ilmeori' Academy Extracurricular Digital Healthcare Case (Prof. Park, Eunju)
  • Q&A & Discussion

14 August 2024 - IPB Internasional
  • Korea Entrepreneurship and Policy (Prof. Eunjung Choi/Sangmyung Univ.)
  • Korea Entrepreneurship Case Study (Ms. Jinju Kim/Keimyung Univ.)
  • Indonesia Entrepreneurship Case Study (IPBI)
  • Entrepreneurship Corp Program (Prof. Taewon Kim)
  • Korea VC ecosystem and Intrapreneurship(Dr. Honggi Baek)
  • Halal Business in Korea (Dr. JaeHeung Kim)
  • Business Exchange with Indonesia (Dr.Youngkab Kwon)
  • Discussion, Q&A

16 August 2024 - Primakara University
  • Industry-academic cooperation in Korea (Prof. Park, Eunju)
  • Introduction to Capstone Design (Prof. Kim, Hwakyung)
  • Capstone Design Case with the Korean Centre Indonesia (Prof. Kim, Jongmin)
  • Introduction to Design Thinking Camp (Prof. Changone Kim/Keimyung University)
  • Introduction to entrepreneurship in Korea (Prof. Eunjung Choi/Sangmyung Univ.)
  • Design Thinking Camp (Prof. Taewon Kim/Dr. Hongki BaeK/Dr. Youngkab Kwon)

This event is open to everyone. If you're interested, please contact us below and we'll let you know.
  • WA 0821-3755-2589
  • admin@koreancenter.net

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