자유게시판/추천 인도네시아


Entrepreneurship Conference and Startup Camp in Indonesia

12,884 2024.01.15 11:43




Entrepreneurship Conference and Startup Camp in Indonesia

1. Purpose
Cooperation and exchange in the field of research and entrepreneurship with Indonesian university, Korean Center, Keimyung University Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship (GSGE), and The Korea Entrepreneurship Society (TKES)

2. Date
1st ~ 2nd Feb 2024

3. Contents
- Indonesia-Korea Global Entrepreneurship Exchange MoU (The Korea Entrepreneurship Society-universities)
- Startup Camp and Travel Business Startup Hackathon (hosted by the Korea Center/Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Keimyung University)

4. Detailed Schedule

Feb. 1st
- Indonesia and Korea Joint Global Entrepreneurship Conference
- MOU Ceremony between The Korea Entrepreneurship Society and universities Host: TKES
- Design Thinking based Startup Camp -Customer based idea generation.
- Business Model Canvas
- Business Plan
- Presentation With 30 university or college students

Feb. 2nd
- Travel Business Startup Hackathon
- From idea to business plan
- Elevator Pitch
- Award Host

5. Visitors
- Professor Changone Kim, Chair of the Korea Entrepreneurship Society, Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Keimyung University
- Professor Taewon Kim, Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship, Keimyung University, Certified Instructor of Innovation-Corps program
- President Honggi Baek, KEN Partners Angel Club

6. Contact
+62-821 3755 2589


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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